
5 Happy Places to Work

Staying happy at work is not just good for your health. It's also good for your job performance. At least that's what most employees believe.

The American Psychological Association (APA) conducted an online survey of 1,714 people and found that a whopping 93 percent of those who feel valued by their employers also say they feel motivated to do their best work. But, only 33 percent of those who described themselves as not feeling valued said they are working up to their potential. (The results of the poll were based on an online questionnaire.)

So which companies have the happiest workplaces? Each year, the APA conducts a four-month study through its healthy workplace program. This past year, the APA studied 170 North American organizations, which ranged from private companies to county government offices. So while this study isn't comprehensive, examining every company in the Fortune 500, it does dig deep. Assessments are based on performance in the following categories: work/life balance, employee recognition, communication practices as well as growth and development strategies.

"The biggest message is that many organizations are coming to understand that well-being is tied to success," David Ballard, who conducted the APA study, told AOL Jobs. "It's not just doing the right thing. That's definitely true, but it's also a smart business move to allow your employees to perform at their best."

In speaking to AOL Jobs, Ballard also said these five companies also worked the hardest at keeping workers happy, developing creative, inventive programs.

5 Happy Places to Work
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