
8 Jobs We'd Love To Eavesdrop On


By Anthony Balderrama, CareerBuilder Editor

On a recent flight, just before takeoff, the pilot told us passengers that we could listen to the control tower conversation by tuning in to one of the audio channels in our seats. I put my headphones on and listened to the back-and-forth between air traffic controllers and pilots as they tried to get everyone's flights up in the air.

Holiday traffic had the runways backed up, and for the next 45 minutes I heard a lot of conversations. Some were terse, some humorous, some disconcerting (such as my pilot telling the tower, "We might need to return to the gate -- we've wasted a lot of fuel already.") and others just confusing. Looking around at the scrunched faces and fingers frantically pushing the "up" volume button, I realized that other passengers also were engrossed in what they were hearing. The exciting chatter happening in our headphones was new to us. The other passengers not listening to the channel were blissfully unaware that chaos was happening all around them.

The whole situation made me realize that the conversations you'd hear during my average workday would probably bore you, or leave you scratching your head. My job is interesting to me, but for most people, listening to talk about content calendars, unemployment figures and what happened on last night's episode of "Community" wouldn't have droves of people tuning in.

But it did make me think about all the other occupations that probably have some pretty great conversations, but that only a few people get to hear. Here are eight jobs that we'd love to eavesdrop on:

Jobs We'd Love To Eavesdrop On
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Anthony Balderrama is the editor for CareerBuilder's job seeker advice and its job blog, The Work Buzz. He researches and writes about job search strategy, career management, hiring trends and workplace issues.


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