
5 Ways To Handle An Exit Interview


You've cleaned out your desk and said good-bye to your colleagues. All that
is left is an exit interview before heading out to your terrific new job -- and
that's only a formality nobody takes seriously. Right?

Not so fast. Final impressions are lasting impressions. Rushing through an
exit interview with careless answers or treating it as your personal venting
session can have repercussions. Maintain your dignity (and make the company
wistful about the employee it's losing) by doing these five things:


Scared of getting tongue-tied and mumbling something you'll regret? Spend
some time beforehand thinking about issues that usually come up during an exit

Lisa Quast, author of Your Career, Your Way! and president of Career Woman
Inc. in Seattle, Wash., notes that most HR departments use a standard list of
questions for exit interviews. She suggests being prepared to articulate:

      Your reasons for leaving the company.Your level of

      satisfaction with managers, co-workers, company culture, compensation/benefits

      and opportunities for career development.Things about the new company that

      influenced your decision to leave this job.

      2. Mention the Positives

From a manager who went out of his way to be helpful to a noteworthy
flex-time policy, chances are there is someone or something in the company
you're leaving worthy of praise. The exit interview is a great time to give
recognition. Such actions show that you have thoughtfully contemplated your
experience with this employer, and the feedback is valuable to the company in
determining what it is doing right.

      3. Present Negatives with Care

Some departing employees view the exit interview as their big chance to sound
off. Before presenting a laundry list of complaints, however, remember that exit
interview information is not always kept confidential.

A good tactic is to offer constructive criticism on a few key topics. "Avoid
generalities such as 'I can't stand my boss' or 'My co-workers are annoying,' "
Quast says. "Instead, use professionalism and respect to provide specifics, such
as 'I find it difficult working for a manager who does not create agendas with
objectives for meetings because it makes me nervous not knowing how I should
prepare' or 'I find it difficult trying to complete my work each day because my
cubicle is right next to the call center.' "

      4. Keep Emotions in Check

Want to yell about the promotion that should have been yours? While it may
feel good in the moment to get something off your chest, chances are that your
actions are being directed to the wrong person at the wrong time. "An angry
departure and finger pointing serve no purpose at the tail end," says Roy Cohen,
a career coach and author of The Wall Street Professional's Survival Guide.
"Exit interviews are not the time to set the record straight. What you say and
how you say it will be final. It will be a permanent record. Also, the
interviews are usually conducted by a representative from the HR department, not
someone who has the power to make change or to really do anything meaningful
with the information you share."

Another danger of a rant is that it can raise eyebrows – at you. As Cohen
notes, "If an event is so outrageous and inappropriate that you have no choice
but to express your anger and rage, consider the following: Why haven't you come
forth sooner or hired legal representation to protect yourself?"


      Refrain from Burning Bridges

Finally, remember that the future is unpredictable. While you may believe
you're out the door for good, there's always the chance that you might want to
work for this company again at a later time. Likewise, you may encounter
ex-colleagues at a future workplace or at professional events, so leaving on
civil terms is advantageous.

"In a world where job security and the likelihood of moving again and again
are a reality, there is no point in burning a bridge," Cohen says. "You will
need to rely on your old boss or other senior managers for a reference. Time
erases most memories of difficult relationships and challenging work situations.
But bosses who have been criticized never forget."

This article was written for CareerBliss by guest contributor Beth
Braccio Hering.

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